For Clinics & Surgeons

For Clinics & Surgeons

Add yourself or your clinic

To be added to Ranisty, please fill out the contact form on the contact page. Don’t forget to include your phone number, as we will contact you to verify your information before publishing it on the site.

Add more info on profile page

To attract more customers you can have a booking form for patients to make an appointment, add opening hours, contact ways, offers or any other information you like on your personal/company page.

There are additional ways of attracting more customers like adding your profile/clinic page to our  advertising areas on the page. 

To discuss further, please contact us using the contact form on the contact page. Don’t forget your phone number as we will contact you by phone.

Remove/edit negative reviews

We do not edit nor remove negative reviews. Ever. We only edit reviews if they break any laws.

Välj rätt kirurg!

Registrera ett konto på Ranisty för att hitta den bästa kirurgen för just din operation. Just nu får du som registrerar dig automatiskt guldmedlemskap och kan se om kirurgen varnats av IVO. 🏆